22 February 2025 16:14:04
c/o careof

Organizzazione non profit per l'arte contemporanea

c/o careof

OUT 44 • Temporay Desk @Careof

Novembre 2015 - Marzo 2016

Per abbracciare e confrontarsi con la scena artistica più giovane del panorama milanese e per fornire un servizio importante di consulenza per giovani artisti, Careof ha invitato il collettivo curatoriale OUT44 di Brera a risiedere presso il DOCVA in giorni alterni della settimana, da Novembre 2015 a Marzo 2016.

Un temporary desk aperto per studio visit singole e collettive, presentazioni e letture di portfolio d'artista, al fine di favorire lo scambio fra le nuovissime generazioni di artisti e curatori e ripensare ai modelli di archiviazione, presentazione e mediazione.

Le studio visit devono essere programmate, scrivendo una mail a

Il collettivo riceve ogni mercoledì dalle 10 alle 14 e il martedì mattina


With Brera Academy of Fine arts as a starting point, the course of curatorial practices as a fixed point and the classroom 44 as a meeting point, we – 12 students from all over Italy – approached each other to form the collective OUT44, emphasizing immediately the desire to draw on what the Academy could offer and then look outwards. A group of people with completely different experiences has thus consolidated: from History to Design, from Art History to Foreign Languages, from Architecture to Communication and Scenography. A comprehensive definition of the group is perhaps premature, both due to the recent formation and to the will to respect the individuality of the components, which we consider to be our true distinctive character.
A functional choice by which, mantaining the inclinations of the individual, we effectively cover the various roles required by the curatorship, a practice that has turned out to be not only the conception of an exhibition and the selection of works to be included in it, but also the management of the budget, respect for bureaucratic quibbles and the construction of an effective communication plan.

OUT44 is: Giulia Bassoli, Miriam Calabrese, Giorgio Cellini, Camilla Garelli, Gianluca Gramolazzi, Eugenio Martino Nesi, Chiara Peru, Elisabetta Rastelli, Giulia Ronchi, Marta Ruffatto, Martina Sacchi, Stefano Spairani Righi.