29 March 2025 10:16:17
c/o careof

Organizzazione non profit per l'arte contemporanea

c/o careof


A project by Claudio Beorchia

Curated by Matteo Balduzzi

01.09.2022, h 18.30

The game “Cinque+” represents an occasion to meet people and it is an artistic project created by Claudio Beorchia to restore personal relationships.

It is a card game played in the Careof spaces with the artist and the curator: an open event to spend time together after the summer. The game is based on themes, characters and moods related to the pandemics and it exorcises the fear for the next autumn.

Besides the recreational and relational aspect, “Cinque+” is also a flexible and informal work tool for educators, teachers and trainers.

“Cinque+” is part of the project “Fuori Bordo”. Before the realization of this game, researchers from Codici Ricerca e Intervento and cheFare interviewed users and people in charge of educational institutions, socio-educational services, cultural organizations and solidarity volunteer associations. The goal was understanding how community relationships acted as lifesavers for marginalization processes that emerged or had been accelerated by social distancing and lockdown. 

The curator Matteo Balduzzi and the artist Claudio Beorchia designed and built the game starting from the results of the research, and from the activities carried out in many laboratories around Municipio 5 and Rozzano between October 2021 and March 2022.

The photographic exhibition by Hugo Weber can be visited during the exhibition: it is a documentation of the whole process behind the creation of the game.


“Fuori Bordo” is a research and action path created by Codici Ricerca e Intervento and cheFare funded by Fondazione di Comunità Milano in the areas of Municipio 5 of Milan and Rozzano.


A game, a journey, a reflection. Milan, Municipio 5 and Rozzano during the 790 days that preceded the pandemics, revealed through the voices of the inhabitants.

A project designed and built by Claudio Beorchia in collaboration with the curatorship of Matteo Balduzzi

Organization, production, mediation  Bianca Barozzi, Gioia Curziotti, Stefano Laffi, Marilù Manta, Maria Rimondi, Lorenzo Scalchi and Federica Vittori

Photo documentationHugo Weber

Video documentation 

Federico Zavaglia, Tommaso Migliozzi and Fabrizio Passarelli Pula


Camilla Pin Montagnana, Zelia Rossi

AdministrationUmberto Biscaglia, Giulia Osnaghi

Cards producers

Ludocards, Terruggia, Alessandria

The realization of the deck of cards had been made thanks to the hospitality of:

Biblioteca Cascina Grande, ZAM - Zona Autonoma Milano, Centro Anziani il Ritrovo 15, C.F.P. of Rozzano Afol Metropolitana.

Participants:Giulia Baroni, Giuseppe Bartorilla, Elena Borsa, Federico Carcano , Livio Cimarosti, Anna Chiara Cimoli, Riccardo F., Josè F.P., Olga Gileria, Massimiliano Goitom, Marilena Goj, Michela Guastamacchia, Alberto Locatelli, Dolores Lombardi and her students from C.F.P. of Rozzano Afol Metropolitana, Alessia M., Natalia M., Massimiliano Pensa, Ettorina Perversi, Gabriele P., Giulia P., Anna Maria Radice, Biagio Riano, Claudio Regola, Rita Romano, Cona Samperisi, Carmela Segù, Francesco Solinas, Kevin S., Annachiara T., Paolo Villa, Anna Maria Vitolo, Federica Vittori, Antonio V., Annamaria Zucchi, the students from the courses of Fenomenologia dell'immagine/Phenomenology of Image of Master degree in Photography and Visual Design at NABA, the students of the course “L’evento culturale come progetto innovativo: ideazione, coordinamento, promozione” of Talent Solutions SRL/Manpower.

People who played, with game variations and in different moments and places:Francesco Andreoli, Matteo Aimini, Marina Cicognini, Paola Di Bello, Sergio Mengano, Francesca Minetto, Bertram Niessen, Tommaso Perfetti, Federica Perrelet, Donata Piccolo, Laura Reina, Silvia Reina, Luca Tateo, Giulia Ticozzi, Sara Trabucchi, Guglielmo Trupia.