25 January 2025 23:01:32
c/o careof

Organizzazione non profit per l'arte contemporanea

c/o careof

You will find me if you want me in the garden


Curated by Marta Bianchi, Laura Marcolini, Maria Paola Zedda

08.07.2022 - 02.10.2022

h 16.00 - h22.00

Opening: 07.07.2022, at h18.30

Comune di Milano and Laboratories of Fabbrica del Vapore present “You will find me if you want me in the garden” by Ariella Vidach-AiEP, Careof, Fattoria Vittadini, mdi ensemble, Studio Azzurro.

"You will find me if you want me in the garden” is an exhibition conceived for the spaces of Cattedrale, an emblematic building of Fabbrica del Vapore redesigned as an inter-species garden for the occasion.

The project is a witness of different forms of living in the present, that turns the Cattedrale into an environment in which videos, bodies, interactive devices, sound installations and new media display the complexity of the modern world, the need to imagine new perspectives of coexistence, new subjectivities and alliances. All this through the amplification of the reflection on issues concerning democracy, practices of resistance and the definition of space and body, on the edge of the virtual world. 

The title is inspired by a soundtrack of the industrial group Einsturzende Neubauten that reflects on the relationship among men, technologies and poetic dimension. The garden in Fabbrica del Vapore becomes a metaphor for the discovery of the silent but steady work hidden behind the artistic creation and it invites to fuel a multifaceted path in constant evolution. 

The exhibition is conceived to be an expanded format: it is not only an exhibition but also a trans-human habitat, a transition landscape where the inside and the outside, the organic and the inorganic, the body and the technology meet each other permanently and pervasively. It is a space for the community, where symposia, meetings and performances take place.

Within the exhibition space, the three big parachutes of “Il soffio sull’angelo'' by Studio Azzurro float upside down, decorated with images that react to visitors’ blows. During the opening days, behind this scenario of electric sensitive bodies, there will be the performers of the project “10 giardini da non perdere” by Ariella Vidach-AiEP, together with “XI Giardino” and the "VIDEOGIARDINO Antologico”, a selection of dancing video works from 1987 to 2013 curated by Claudio Prati and Ariella Vidach.

The videos about the relationship among technology, bodies and democracy are presented in the central aisle. These videos are part of the Careof Archive, and show works by Francesco Bertocco, Fatima Bianchi, Elisa Caldana, Daniele Costa, Irene Dionisio, Elisabetta Falanga, Roberto Fassone, Giovanni Giaretta, Miriam Gili, Mati Jhurry, Jacopo Miliani, Alessandro Sambini, Elisa Strinna, Natalia Trejbalova, selected by Alessandro Nassiri Tabibzadeh. 

The side aisle presents works by Alina Akhaminova, Vanessa Biffi, Francesco Canali, Chiara Fabian, Giovanni Lo Castro, Fiorella Minnucci, Enrico Pozzobon, Raff Villani, Dario Simone Sidoti, Zeyu Wang – students of the Biennio of Net Art from the Scuola di Nuove Tecnologie of Accademia di Belle Arti of Brera – resulted from Francesco D’Abbraccio / Lorem workshop for "Il corpo disseminato”, curated by Matteo Cremonesi and Claudia D’Alonzo, in collaboration with Lucrezia Cippitelli.