23 October 2024 00:17:42
c/o careof

Organizzazione non profit per l'arte contemporanea

c/o careof

Liquida Grant

Group Show: Erica Bardi, Chiara Benzi, Elena Costa, Pasquale Fanelli, Alvaro Gomez Pidal, Vito Lauciello, Ernesto Sumarkho, Lucrezia Testa Iannilli, Alessandro Truffa, Blanka Urbanek, Henriette Sabroe Ebbesen

Solo Show: "Il Giorno in cui si spense il sole" by Francesca Macis

Curated by Laura Tota

31.01 - 01.02.2024
15.00 - 19.00

Inauguration: 30.01.2024, hour 18.30

Careof is the host of "Liquida Grant," an initiative of the Liquida Photo Festival, a photographic event organized by Laura Tota and supported by Paratissima, which will be launched in May 2022 in Turin. Liquida Photo Festival's mission is to support emerging photographers, and part of that mission is to tell as many fresh stories through images as possible. For this reason, "Liquida Grant" was established, with the goal of rewarding the top proposals obtained from the call with a group show as well as additional exhibition and editorial opportunities in association with Italian photography-related businesses. 

Showcasing the power of the picture in describing the kaleidoscope of contemporaneity, a jury of five photography specialists chose the top ten single photos as well as the finest photographic project.

 Works by Erica Bardi, Chiara Benzi, Elena Costa, Pasquale Fanelli, Alvaro Gomez Pidal, Vito Lauciello, Ernesto Sumarkho, Lucrezia Testa Iannilli, Alessandro Truffa, Blanka Urbanek, and Henriette Sabroe Ebbesen are on show at Careof as part of the Group Show.

Francesca Maci's "Il giorno in cui si spense il sole"  is the Solo Show winner. It's a graphic story about a possible end of the world where the sun has disappeared and is replaced by a moon, star, or maybe even the same sun. The sun is anemic, causing the Earth to fall into everlasting darkness and bathing everything in an artificial light.