22 February 2025 16:35:55
c/o careof

Organizzazione non profit per l'arte contemporanea

c/o careof

Atomic Activity Books

Figure poliedriche attive in un ambito ibrido fra arte, ricerca, fotografia, grafica  e design, Donnachie e Simionato hanno collaborato a numerosi progetti. This is [not] a magazine (attivo dal 2002) e Atomic Activity Books (attivo dal 2008) sono due fra i molti esempi.

Karen ann Donnachie e Andy Simionato sono in residenza a Milano nell’ambito di FDV Residency Program grazie all’Artflight program del Western Australian Department of Culture and the Arts


This is a magazine is an experimental art pubblication conceived as a flib-book style object, produced in many papers and digital formats, including a Powerpoint edition, animated GIF collections, videos and sound objects.
Next to specific episodes published online, a luxury series of printed books, compendia and multimedial projects are taking form. These projects are going to underline the ability of going beyond the traditional models of curatorial studies, production, publications and distributions.

Who’s archiving who?
During their residency, Donnachie and Simionato will give birth to a Temporary Office for Experimental Publishing, intended as a space of comparison of their existing production. They will focus even on the Careof Archive strategies of activation, which is going to develop a series of new editorial projects that are part of Atomic Activity Books.
The temporary office will even become the place for the verification process of the project The Situational Library, a partecipative and itinerant work of art based on electronic devices able to create a local open wifi network, in order to transfer the full content of a book to any connected mobile device or computer.

The project represents an attempt to make visible, even if only for a moment, the communities that are formed around the book, where the book represents a point of contact, the fulcrum of a shared space of exchange .


13 July h 10.30am – 7pm / FDV Residency

The workshop is open to 15 participants, they are invited to go in depth into Donnachie and Simionato’s poetic and live in the Temporary Office for Experimental Publishing’s spaces installed in FDV Residency.
During the day of Thursday 8 July, the group will discuss the existing production and the development of a series of new editorial projects and activation strategies for Careof Archive, by testing cognitive, conceptual and creative approaches.


The workshop is addressed to 15 participants without age or field of study restrictions.
It is free, in English and Italian language.


It is necessary to apply by the 6th of July, by sending candidatures to opportunity@careof.org

Please complete it with name and surname, phone number, email address and a short presentation text.
The artists must attach their digital portfolios.


13 July h 7pm / FDV Residency

At the end of the workshop, an open studio is planned with an informal artist’s talk which covers ten years of experimental publishing, including the presentation of new works recently published such as “BlueCloud” (2013) by JODI, “Erin Coates: Kinesphere” (2014) and “Heaven” (2015) by Nikola Tosic.


Karen Ann Donnachie (1970)
is an artist, photographer, researcher. Her works take inspiration from different fields, from editorial to documentary phothography, from video to performances, from numeric art to curatorial projects for the web.

Andy Simionato (1968)
is an active artist in the fields of speculative design, experimental publishing and fashion photography.

Donnachie and Simionato have been published at internetional level and their work has been shown at Museum of Modern Art of Arnhem (Netherlands), Kunstverein Neuhausen (Germany), Fondazione Mazzotta (Italy), Triennale Design Museum in Milano for the italian design historical retrospective in 2012.
They currently live in Perth, where they are working and also studying at Curtin University.



From 5th to 20th July, in FDV Residency’s Program – Books in Residency, Careof will host the australian duo Karen Ann Donnachie and Andy Simionato.
Donnachie and Simionato, multifaceted active figures in a hybrid fields between art, research, photography, graphic and design, have collaborated to various projects.
This is [not] a magazine (since 2002) and Atomic Activity Books (since 2008) are two of many examples.
Karen Ann Donnachie and Andy Simionato are in Milan for the FDV Residency Program thanks to Artflight program of Western Australian Department of Culture and the Arts.