05 February 2025 07:40:57
c/o careof

Organizzazione non profit per l'arte contemporanea

c/o careof

Łukasz Surowiec • Place Called Space - Crossborder platform of cooperation in contemporary art.

A partire dal 2015 Careof aderisce a Place Called Space, una piattaforma di cooperazione, scambio e coproduzione, tra centri culturali europei, promossa dalla fondazione Imago Mundi di Cracovia, nell’intento di promuovere e supportare il dialogo tra i diversi partner coinvolti.

In occasione dell’Esposizione Universale di Milano, nel suo primo anno di attività, _Place Called Space_ si concentra sul tema del cibo, attraverso un approccio critico in grado di sviluppare riflessioni sui suoi usi e approfondirne le declinazioni sociali, politiche e storiche.


Careof has already started a program of residences for artists and curators in collaboration with Polish istitutions and with the support of the General Consulate of the Polish Republic in Milan.

The two artists that have been invited to join the project, in order to develop their researches and produce a work as a result of their stay in Italy and in Poland, are Lukasz Surowiec and Leone Contini.

The third moment of confrontation will happen thanks to a third guest in Milan, the curator of the Krakow National Museum, Dominik Kurylek.

Lukasz Surowiec

The research of this young artist , already recognized internationally, is finalized to the creation of material objects, situations and interventions. Animated by a collective approach, it is characterized by the attention to the urban space as a social and political investigation.

During his stay in Milan at FDV Residency, the artist reflects on the political and economic relations that animate EXPO, focusing on big narrations taking form around it, with the aim of giving life to actions of anyalisis and deconstruction of the mechanisms that regulate its own birth.

( Artist CV popup: yes )


Workshop 10 July h 10.30am – 7pm / FDV Residency

Careof, as part of Place Called Space, is launching an open call to involve 12 students in a laboratory with Łukasz Surowiec that is going to reflect on those power forms that are subtending the composition of every structure, in particular on the relation between capital and power, seen as one of the key elements of the EXPO.

At the end of a first session of deepening into Lukasz Surowiec’s poetic, contextualized in his closer polish artistic scene, the partecipants will be invited to perform a series of exercises that use money as medium.

At the end of the laboratory, at 6pm, there will be a presentation open to the public for the actions produced.


The workshop is addressed to twelve students without age or fields of study restrictions. It will be free and in English.


It is necessary to be registered by 7th July, sending the application via email to the address:
opportunity@careof.org specifying “OPEN CALL - Łukasz Surowiec”.

The application must contain: name, surname, phone number and email contact.
Artists must send their digital portfolios, other partecipants must give information about their studies.

To get any other information, please write to opportunity@careof.org.


With the support of FUTURA (Praga), Transit (Bratislava), HIT (Bratislava), NGBK (Berlino)

With the support of Malopolski Regionalny Program Operacyjny 2013-2017 and the Ministero della Cultura through the Instytut Adama Mickiewicza and Consolato Generale della Repubblica di Polonia a Milano


Lukasz Surowiec (1985, Rzeszów)

Selection of solo exhibition: 2014: Nobody Is Afraid To Die, CCA Ujazdowski Castle, Varsavia; Waitingrooom, CoCA Znaki Czasu, Torun. 2013: Beggars, Bunkier Sztuki, Cracovia; Black Diamonds, CH Silesia City Center, Katowice, Polonia; Happy New Year III, CCA Kronika, Bytom, Polonia. 2012: Swedish Doves, Kalmar Konstmuseum, Kalmar, Svezia; Happy New Year II, CCA Kronika, Bytom, Polonia; Project Berlin-Birkenau, Art Agenda Nova Gallery, Cracovia. 2011: Happy New Year, CCA Kronika, Bytom, Polonia; I Have Never Been, Wyspianski Pavilion, Cracovia; Blemisch, Poland Nowa Gazownia, Poznań; 2010: Nice to Meet You, Art Agenda Nova Gallery, Cracovia.
Selection of collective exhibition: 2014: As You Can See - Polish Art To Day, MoMA, Varsavia; Video Now, MOCAK, Krakow. 2013: East + Europe - Eastern European Contemporary Art Exhibition, City Hall Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong; Shiryaevo Biennale, Have the wanderers of yesterday become today’s backpackers?, Victoria Gallery, Samara, Russia; Workers of The Art World Unite, CCA Kronika, Bytom, Polonia. 2012: 7 Berlin Biennale, Kunst Werke, Berlino; Air de Pologne, De Garage, Mechelen, Belgio; SPA, Artloop Festival, Sopot, Polonia. 2011: Not in Place, CSW Ujazdowski Castle, Varsavia; Award of the Vordemberge-Gildewart Foundation, MOCAK, Cracovia; Alternativa - Labour & Leisure, Wyspa Institute of Art, Danzica; 10th Geppert Competition, BWA Awangarda Gallery, Wroclaw, Polonia; (Un)Polish, Gallery Petra Vankova, Berlino; Pani Walewska, Culture Container, Cracovia. 2010: Start Point Prize 2010, Kutna Hora, Repubblica Ceca; Don’t Even Think About It, Leto Gallery, Varsavia; UDK Berlin, Rundgan, Berlino.

Leone Contini

Leone Contini’s research investigates the relation between art and food starting from an anthropological approach.
Focusing on intercultural conflicts and power relations, migrations and diasporas, physical displacements poit of view shifts, he reinvents tools of contemporary anthropology.
Through lectures, collective actions, workshops, conferences, ethnographic stories and interventions in public spaces he can create micro circuits between feelings and common elements.
During the residency in Poland the artist led a research around the culinary traces of vanished communities, local or communities created by forced migrations. The result takes its form in Kolonial Haus, a series of interventions related to food in Bytom city (Uncontrolled Denominations – Anarchistyczna Pierogarnia, 21 June; Vietnamese Pho tasting party, 24 June), that conclude with a lecture performance at Fondazione Imago Mundi in Krakow on the 27th of June.
Leone Contini (1976, Firenze), anthropologist and artist, has studied Cultural Philosophy and Anthropology at Università di Siena.

Selection of solo exhibitions:
2014: Delfina Foundation, Londra. 2013: Viafarini DOCVA, Milano; Kunstverein, Amsterdam; GOLEB, Amsterdam; microgallery, Tirana; UNIDEE, Biella. 2012: Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato; Frigoriferi Milanesi, Milano; Chan, Genova; Kobariski Museum. 2011: The Gipsy and the Danish Pavilion, 54 La Biennale di Venezia, Venezia. 2009: Villa Romana, Firenze; Gallery Doma Omladina, Belgrado. Selezione di residenze. 2014: Khoj Workshop, New Delhi; Delfina Foundation, Londra. 2013: Tirana Art Lab, Albania. 2012: #1 Under Construction Open Residency – Beirut/Milano.
[ leonecontini.wordpress.com ]

Dominik Kurylek (1979, Gdanska)

Dominik Kuryłek is a critic, curator and art historian. Doctorate in Art History Istitute at Jagiellonian University.
He is curator at the department of Modern Painting and Sculpture of Krakow National Museum.
During his stay at FDV Residency the curator will investigate some artistic practices that are characterized by a partecipative approach, comparing them with related strategies and poetics developed since the seventies in the polish context.


Chip-In-Culture was an underground Polish artistic movement in the eighties involving about one hundrer artists from Poland and abroad.

The movement, on a national scale, driving on the achieved goals of seventies' art, created a new formula of non-participation in the culture, that could be defined as “altermodern” according to Nicolas Bourriaud’s theories.

The Chip-In-Culture members' approach has inspired artists in the following decades. During the meeting, Dominik Kurylek – art historian and curator of contemporary art section at Krakow National Museum, will present the movement Chip-In-Culture, focusing on “Tango”, an artzine produced by the artists during their meetings.


Lukasz Suroviek, Dominik Kurylek, Stanislaw Ruks

25.05 > 31.05.2015
07.07 > 26.07.2015

The collaboration with Imago Mundi Foundation continues its cultural exchange between Italy and Poland.
In the context of the exhibitions and residences projects, FDV Residency hosts two artists and a Polish curator for a period of research and meetings with institutions and the art world in Milan.