05 February 2025 07:45:00
c/o careof

Organizzazione non profit per l'arte contemporanea

c/o careof


Within “Blast. Estetiche della violenza tra immagine, video e documento”

Jessica Bianchera and Marta Ferretti, BLAST project
Carolina Ciuti, LOOP Barcelona
Özge Çelikaslan, bak.ma
Dagmawi Ymer, Archivio delle Memorie Migranti
Alessandro Nassiri, Careof
Vincenzo Estremo, mediator

With the support of Fondazione Cariverona

02.12.2021, h 18.00 in person and online through Zoom
(meeting ID: 869 5149 9982 / Passcode: 283376)

Free entry upon presentation of a green pass (subject to seat availability).

Careof presents, within Blast. Estetiche della violenza tra immagine, video e documento (Blast. Aesthetics of violence through image video and document), "Autonomous Archiving", a meeting to delve into the political aspects of both participatory and performative self-organized digital video archives, bringing to the forefront of the debate concepts such as autonomy, documentation, and sharing.

On Thursday 2 December 2021, at 18.00, an event open to the public will be held at Careof and online, during which Jessica Bianchera and Marta Ferretti (BLAST project), Carolina Ciuti (LOOP Barcelona), Özge Çelikaslan (bak.ma), Dagmawi Ymee (Archivio delle Memorie Migranti), and Alessandro Nassiri (Careof) will speak, mediated by Vincenzo Estremo. 

“Blast” is a research project designed and curated by Jessica Bianchera and Marta Ferretti with Giulia Costa, whose intention is to explore the relationship between violence, documents, and public truth, widely and in depth, through the use of the video medium. Particularly, it focuses on video as a tool for documentation, research, and narrative reworking, tackling the concept of violence as a moral, social, and political category and as a relative dimension that isn't only composed of acts and explicit situations, but also of subtle, hidden actions.

By considering some current artistic trends which adopt image, data and information research and production methods and practices, borrowed from different disciplines (forensic science, architecture, journalism, and activism) Blast aims to produce a shared reflection on different ways of perceiving, analyzing, and presenting force, violence, and power dynamics both on an individual and a collective level and on their digital representation and circulation.

The project is promoted by Urbs Picta in collaboration with a partner network with public and private bodies and institutions which work with video and moving images or identify these research topics in their projects.

Click here to visit the BLAST website

“Autonomous Archiving” is the first event of COP.P., Careof’s public program: a series of events open to the public in order to discuss contemporary art, cultural anthropology, design, photography, architecture, literature, and everything that relates to these disciplines. A cycle of informal appointments, for an in-depth dialogue about some topics Careof really has at heart, at Fabbrica del Vapore di Milano and online.

COP.P. is an opportunity to compare, a moment for an interdisciplinary discussion with the aim to open up debate, build relationships, deepen, get distracted, lighten up, wander off. An opportunity to share time and skills, where different interests, disciplines, specializations coexist, where contamination means enrichment.


Vincenzo Estremo is an international Ph.D in Visual Studies. He's a theorist of moving images and lecturer of media theory, curatorial studies, phenomenology, and aesthetics for NABA, in the Roma 5 campus and for Accademia di Belle Arti, in Genoa. He's also an adjunct scholar for MAGIS - International Film Studies Spring School for the Cinema and Contemporary Art branch at the university of Udine-Gorizia and co-director of an editorial series by the same name for Mimesis International. He regularly writes for Flash Art Italia and Che Fare and published Extended Temporalities. Transient Visions in Museum and Art (Mimesis International 2016), Albert Serra, cinema, arte e performance (Mimesis Edizioni 2018) and Teoria del lavoro reputazionale (Milieu Edizioni 2020).

LOOP is a platform devoted to the research and promotion of moving images founded in 2003. It offers a curated collection of video content to a specialized audience and collaborates with an international network of artists, curators, gallery owners, collectors, and directors of institutions focusing on the development of projects that aim to explore the possibilities of videos and moving images. VIDEOCLOOP is a public platform devoted to the preservation, promotion, and research of experimental films and videos by contemporary artists. It offers online access to a collection of videos that mainly consists of works that have been presented during the different editions of the LOOP exhibition. The platform is directed both at the academic and professional field since it's a key tool for universities, cultural institutions, research centers, institutions that focus on cultural management, and individuals who are involved in the art market. The project arose from a precise evaluation of the different modalities of distribution, circulation, and reception of moving images in the digital broadcasting and internet era.
Click here to visit the LOOP website.

bak.ma (which means “don't look” in Turkish)* is a digital media archive for social movements, which appeared following the mass social protests in Turkey in 2013, known as Gezi Park Resistance. Through making knowledge and memory something collective, bak.ma radicalizes the policies of the archive and reveals the possibility of creating a living memory of these social movements. The archive includes a collection of videos, gathered from the 60s until today, which show incidents and political movements all throughout Turkey’s history. The platform is constantly expanding its hands-on approach, which brings users to generate content by uploading documents and activists clips, which transforms the archive into a collaborative effort. Since 2018, users of other countries have started uploading their own clips, writing, pictures and audio recordings.
Click here to visit the bak.ma website.

AMM - Archivio delle memorie migranti – founded in Rome in 2012, after a five-year project status in the Italian school for foreigners and asylum seekers created by the Asinitas organization – is a “community of practice” made up of people that follow common goals from different and multiple points of view and are committed to generate a new form of communication, hands-on and interactive, that can leave traces of the ongoing migration processes and at the same time allows the inclusion of “othered” memories in the collective heritage of Italian society.
AMM bases its activities on adopting hands-on methods that favor recognizing and valuing multiple expressive forms: from testimony collection to production of personal tales, from the creation of audios and videos the students participate to, to the development of adequate learning material.
Click here to visit the AMM website.