22 February 2025 16:35:55
c/o careof

Organizzazione non profit per l'arte contemporanea

c/o careof

Non si esce vivi dagli anni '90

Mario Gorni, Alessandro Nassiri Tabibzadeh, Roberto Pinto, Enzo Umbaca, Marco Vaglieri

Curated by Emanuele Rinaldo Meschini

15.10.2021, h 18.00

Limited seats, free entry upon mandatory booking The exhibition is open to the public in accordance with the current Covid-19 rules, upon presentation of a green pass.

Careof presents “Non si esce vivi dagli anni 90” (no one survives the 90s), an event to draw the attention to the need of today’s artistic and historical critic to start reinterpreting the practices of the 90s and their protagonists. Thanks to the presence of Mario Gorni, Alessandro Nassiri Tabibzadeh, Roberto Pinto, Enzo Umbaca, and Marco Vaglieri, the event curated by Emanuele Rinaldo Meschini, who named it after the Afterhours song “Non si esce vivi dagli anni ‘80”, aims to reflect on the artistic operative processes of the early 90s, focusing especially on their most spontaneous mode of interacting with otherness and on the study of new urban transformations.

"Non si esce vivi dagli anni '90" Is the winning project of Italian Council (9th edition, 2020), a program for the international support and promotion of contemporary Italian art by the Direzione Generale Creatività Contemporanea (DGCC) of the Ministry of Culture.