22 February 2025 16:34:49
c/o careof

Organizzazione non profit per l'arte contemporanea

c/o careof

Fabrizio Bellomo • 5 Heronjtë

A meeting with Matteo Balduzzi, Fabrizio Bellomo, Adrian Paci 

In collaboration with ArtHouse, Shkodra 

14.07.2022, h 20:00

Careof presents Fabrizio Bellommo’s “5 Heronjtë”: a dialogue between the artist and Adrian Paci, moderated by Matteo Baldruzzi. It begins with the artist’s stay in the ArtHouse of Shkodra, with the aim of investigating the controversial dynamics of Albanian history through the monuments’ story.


Fabrizio Bellomo spent an extended period in Albania, exploring the entire area: he met several sculptors of the socialist regime, including one of the main figures of the Albanian Socialist Realism, Mumtas Dhrami, in Tirana; through the majestic Kinostudio archive, he researched traces of the first moments and further construction. He wandered to locate the monuments that were required by the Hohxa regime and are still present in Shkodra, Durazzo, Tirana, Vig and Koplik. These monuments can be perfectly preserved, in ruins, or even replaced by other sculptures, as has happened in Shkodra, where the bronze statue of the patriot Luigj Gurakuqi took the place of a Stalin half-bust after 1990.

Researches have finally focused on the main story analyzed in this path: the statue of the 5 heroes of Vig, made by Shaban Hadëri and located in Shkrodra for several decades in various forms; then, it was moved over time to different places.


"5 Heronjtë” is the winning research of the Italian Council (10th edition, 2021), a support, promotion and development program of the Italian contemporary art in the field of the Direzione Generale Creatività Contemporanea (General Directorate of Contemporary Creativity) of the Ministry of Culture.


Image: the 5 heroes of Vig (Ferid Kola’s tale and Luan Shkodra’s painting) Fabrizio Bellomo 2022, courtesy of the artist.



Fabrizio Bellomo (1982) works and lives in Bari. He is an artist, a curator, a writer, and a director. His works were shown in personal and group exhibitions, through public projects, film festivals and presentations. He took part in the 39th Torino Film Festival, the 38th Torino Film Festival, and the Padiglione Italia of the 16th Biennale di Architettura di Venezia. He cooperated with Fondazione Gingiacomo Feltrinelli, La Repubblica, il MuFoCo, the Apulia Film Commission and the ICCD. He exhibited his works at MACRO – Rome, Triennale di Milano, KCB – Beograd, Fundaciò Enric Miralles – Barcelona, Galeria Fab – Tiranë and the IIC – Tokyo. He published artist books and essays for Postmedia Books – Milan, Centro Di – Florence, Quinlan edizioni – San Severino Marche. He won several awards and acknowledgments, including the Premio Speciale della Giuria for the 39th Torino Film Festival (Italiana.doc), the Italian Council 10, the Inside Art Award for Talent Prize and the main award at the 39th Bellaria Film Festival. His work is part of public and private collections, such as: MuFoCo Milano, ICCD Roma, Simmons & Simmons Art Collection London/Milano, NCTM e l’arte Milano.