22 February 2025 16:42:50
c/o careof

Organizzazione non profit per l'arte contemporanea

c/o careof

Guildor • Finestre di dialogo

Curated by Marta Bianchi and Marta Cereda
Text by Federico Nejrotti

07.06.2023 - 30.06.2023
Tuesday - Saturday h 15.00 - 19.00
Opening: 06.06.2023 h 19.00
Performance: 06.06.2023 h 19.30, and 22.06.2023 h 19.00
Talk: 22.06.2023 h 19.30

Careof presents “Finestre di dialogo” by Guildor. It is part of V-Data, a research project of many years developed by researchers from the Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca and the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, with the contribution of Fondazione Cariplo. It aims at investigating the awareness and opinions of citizens living in Italy on the processes of digital data extraction and exploitation, which characterize surveillance capitalism. 

Guildor has always had an interest in investigating technology as a reflection of human behavior. With his “Finestre di dialogo”, he looks into the relationship between the user, the platform and the economic system, which is partially caused by digital data exploitation.

With the opening of the exhibition, on Tuesday 6 June h 19.30 the artist will present his “I biscotti della fortuna che ordino con Glovo sono stranamente accurati”. The new performance looks into how digital platforms get into our relationships and take our emotions, making a profit out of them. 

The performance is inspired by Susanna Zuboff’s book “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism” and by the work of V-Data. It will be studied by the V-Data team that will observe the reactions of visitors and gather impressions and comments through informal interviews. The audience will be further involved in the topics taken into consideration thanks to this research, which also aims at collecting data that goes together with the work of V-Data.

The exhibition presents some new productions and latest works. Through different languages and media, these works address the issue of the exploitation of private information by large multinational companies, the impact of technology on our relationships and the unbalanced link between platforms and users. Through the investigation of the relationship between technology, human beings and their several connections, “Finestre di dialogo” aims at awakening the public awareness about surveillance capitalism. This, in order to understand the way we are incorporated by its mechanisms and how we can contrast them, starting from consciousness-raising.

On Thursday 22 June h 19:00, Guildor will present again his performance “I biscotti della fortuna che ordino con Glovo sono stranamente accurati” to the public. It will be followed by a talk about the role of visual arts and sociology in the process of digital data extraction and exploitation, with the interventions of Alessandro Caliandro – assistant professor in Sociologia dei processi culturali e della comunicazione for the Faculty of Human, Social and Political Sciences of Università di Pavia – and Zoe Romano – independent researcher and consultant

Guildor - biografia

Guildor (Milano, 1983) paga l’affitto e ha residenza fiscale a Milano. Adottando un approccio performativo e umorismo caustico, il suo lavoro esplora i limiti del linguaggio e l’impatto della tecnologia, oltre ad offrire una critica del sistema di classe e delle sue norme. Dopo aver conseguito un Master al Royal College of Art di Londra nel 2017, ha presentato performance in istituzioni e spazi indipendenti come Platform Southwark a Londra, Bolton Museum, Uppsala Konstmuseum, Galeria Labyrinth a Dublino e Brace Brace a Milano. Inoltre ha effettuato performance lectures al corso di Filosofia della Scienza del Politecnico di Milano e al corso di Sociologia della Cultura e della Comunicazione all’Università degli Studi di Pavia. L’interesse verso i fenomeni culturali in atto e l’influenza che linguaggio e tecnologia hanno su di essi, lo hanno portato a lavorare anche come content designer di intelligenze artificiali.


Cartella stampa

ddl studio
Alessandra de Antonellis 
alessandra.deantonellis@ddlstudio.net | T +39 339 3637388 

Elisa Fusi 
elisa.fusi@ddlstudio.net | T +39 347 8086566

Flaminia Severini
flaminia.severini@ddlstudio.net | T. +39 3933343937