22 February 2025 16:42:38
c/o careof

Organizzazione non profit per l'arte contemporanea

c/o careof

ALMARE • Life Chronicles of Dorothea Ïesj S.P.U.

15.05.2024, 18.30

Screening and talk with Amos Cappuccio, Giulia Mengozzi and Luca Morino (ALMARE) and Ilaria Gadenz (Radio Papesse)

curated by Radio Papesse

Careof hosts "Life Chronicles of Dorothea Ïesj S.P.U." written and directed by ALMARE and curated by Radio Papesse: a sci-fi film and audio story inspired by pseudo-scientific theories developed in the 1800s along with the development of recording technologies. These included archaeoacoustics, which hypothesized the possibility of tracing acoustic phenomena of the past that remained “engraved” in matter. Today, extracting sounds is impossible, but plausible: this hypothesis prompts reflection on its consequences in terms of social control and monitoring. 

"Life Chronicles of Dorothea Ïesj S.P.U." investigates the link between data capitalism, technology, and value creation, reflecting on the use of archaeological artifacts, archives, and memory as instruments of power and control.

It is accompanied by the publication of What Do Sounds Want?, a podcast produced by Radio Papesse and ALMARE and distributed by NERO Editions.

The project, written and directed by ALMARE and promoted in collaboration with Timespan, will be acquired by Museion, Museum of Modren and Contemporary Art in Bolzano, and it was created thanks to the support of the Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity of the Italian Ministry of Culture as part of the Italian Council (2022), the program for the international promotion of Italian contemporary art.


Founded in Turin in 2017 by Amos Cappuccio, Giulia Mengozzi, Luca Morino, and Gabbi Cattani ALMARE ALMARE is an artistic-curatorial collective dedicated to contemporary practices that use sound as an expressive medium. ALMARE works between artistic and curatorial practices, through writing, collective research, sound and music production, concert organization, performance lectures, talks and exhibitions.

Radio Papesse

Radio Papesse is a web radio and online audio archive specializing in contemporary art. Founded in 2006 and curated by Ilaria Gadenz and Carola Haupt, it produces and distributes documentaries and interviews. Using radio as an artistic tool and language, Radio Papesse works with museums and cultural institutions to talk about contemporary art processes and practices. It hosts and commissions experimental sound and radio works, inviting artists and audio makers to renew the rules of broadcasting and audio storytelling. Between 2018 and 2020, it was an associate researcher at Pratiques d'Hospitalité, platform for critical research and political imagination, and is a member of the scientific committee of the Interdepartmental Research Centre in Radiophony at UNIRSM, University of San Marino.


TIMESPAN is an arts and cultural organisation in Helmsdale (Scotland, Great Britain) founded in 1987. Its activities include a contemporary art program, a program for the promotion and conservation of cultural heritage, a local history museum, an educational program, herb and geology gardens, a bakery, and a café. Through a holistic and integrated approach, the organization aims to use culture as a weapon for real social change that follows the principles of justice, equality, and inclusion. In 2021, Timespan was selected for its work as one of the five finalists for the Art Fund, an annual award given to the best British museum.