03 October 2024 11:15:49
c/o careof

Organizzazione non profit per l'arte contemporanea

c/o careof

Mara Palena • Il tempo entra ed esce ed io con lui

Curated by Marta Cereda and Matilde Scaramellini

11.06.2024 - 30.06.2024
tuesday - saturday 15.00 - 19.00

vernissage Careof: 10.06.2024, 19.00
opening Pananti Atelier: 13.06.2024, 18.00

Careof presents Mara Palena's solo show "Il tempo entra ed esce ed io con lui," which delves into the realm of traumatic memory, revealing the darkest recesses of the psyche through photography and video installations. Included in the project is a double show by the artist, titled "Posto al sicuro," which opens at Pananti Atelier on Thursday, June 13, and Careof on Monday, June 10.

Time fades and recollection emerges in Mara Palena's artwork, fostering a close conversation between the individual and the group. The proposed exhibition project aims to establish a link between the artist and her personal history through a conceptual and physical journey that culminates in a public experience archive. A sanctuary of safety where the beauty and weight of human existence are rebalanced between classical music notes and sound frequencies.

"Il tempo entra ed esce ed io con luI" is a motion that is more than just metaphorical, as each piece in the Careof spaces is a testimonial to a cautious but tenacious resilience—a polaroid in the ice that thaws to show a rose.

The artist does not ignore the traumatic events of her own experience; instead, she exposes the deepest psychological mechanisms that surfaced during EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy. She takes us on an exhibition tour that traverses time and space by first following the perceived and then observing it from a distance.

The entire creative process of Mara Palena centers on an examination of how emotions in people relate to identity, memory, and time. She begins her installations with photography, sound, and video, manipulates and changes them, and then explores topics like memory and uniqueness. A major and sometimes compulsive component of his research, which focuses on the study of emotional states, is the recognition of human weakness.

The entire creative process of Mara Palena centers on an examination of how emotions in people relate to identity, memory, and time. She begins her installations with photography, sound, and video, manipulates and changes them, and then explores topics like memory and uniqueness. A major and sometimes compulsive component of his research, which focuses on the study of emotional states, is the recognition of human weakness.

Mara Palena

Mara Palena (1988) lives and works in Milan. Her work has been shown in galleries and worldwide festivals; it has also been a finalist for other awards, such as the New Post Photography, Premio Fabbri, and Premio Combat. Giangavino Pazzola & Camera Torino nominated her for FUTURES Photography in 2022.


A psychiatric therapy called Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is used to treat emotional trauma-related disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In EMDR sessions, the patient follows the therapist's motions or other sensory stimulations with their eyes while focusing on distressing memories. This is thought to facilitate emotional reprocessing and minimize the emotional effect of the memories. Though there are ongoing discussions regarding the technique's efficacy in comparison to alternative therapies, Francine Shapiro invented it in the 1980s and it is currently a commonly used therapeutic method.

Pananti Atelier

Pananti Casa d'Aste's Milan headquarters is located inside the famed Casa Dugnani at 9 Via Aurelio Saffi. The area provides artwork evaluation and consulting services in addition to hosting a calendar of previews for upcoming Florence auctions. Pananti Atelier's goal is to establish a contemporary art-focused artistic program that will not only connect Milan with the Florentine venue, but also resurrect a lively cultural exchange between the past and present. This will honor the auction house's heritage and revive the idea of the gallery as a hub for discussion and contamination.