29 March 2025 10:28:35
c/o careof

Organizzazione non profit per l'arte contemporanea

c/o careof

La bocciofila

16 - 19.04.2024, 11 a.m. to 19 p.m.
Opening: 15.04.2024, 19 p.m.

A social space. An exhibition by AUT Design Collective, Studio GISTO, Hypereden 

Within the context of the Milan Design Week 2024, AUT Design Collective, Studio GISTO and Hypereden present LA BOCCIOFILA: a declaration of love, a tribute to one of the most popular hobbies among the youth of the last three generations.

At Careof inside the Fabbrica del Vapore in Milan, LA BOCCIOFILA recreates one of these places of leisure and rest with the intention of restoring the authentic atmosphere animating these recreational environments, too often mistreated and excluded from the debate on contemporary design.

LA BOCCIOFILA is the result of ten years of research conducted on the outskirts of work, in the sanctuaries of Milanese leisure time: those places where play and sociability merge to become an inclusive and intergenerational contemporary ritual. Careof is thus transformed into a space of play, where visitors can test their sporting skills, relax, or simply take a break, just like in a 'sports bar'.

In this context the projects Frantoio Sociale (by Studio GISTO in collaboration with Hund Studio), Glass Future Lab (by AUT Design Collective in collaboration with Elia Camboni, Pietro Coda and Emma Scarafiotti), Cantiere Aperto (by Hypereden in collaboration with Frantoio Sociale) and an intervention in the space by Silvia Sfligiotti will be presented.


Inspired by cooperation practices in the wine and oil sectors, Frantoio Sociale aims to make demolition an activity accessible to all, turning it into a social practice open to participation and sharing. Unlike the mass production model that often characterises demolition operations, Frantoio Sociale is based on the idea of a participative and collaborative design, where everyone's contribution counts and is valued.



Glass Future Lab is a research project that aims at a redefinition of the concept of unique piece and tailor-made within the Murano glass production. The project establishes an open dialogue between the savoir-faire of master glassmakers and the flexibility of digital production.



The project Cantiere Aperto promotes urban transformation as a collective and collaborative activity. This practice is conducted together with the local organisations and inhabitants, using the tool of self construction and reuse of waste materials as a vehicle for dialogue, sense of belonging and care for the environment.



es_design The goal of the somatics project is to incorporate body knowledge into design practice and training by investigating the relationships between somatic movement and design. Silvia Sfligiotti, a visual designer, educator, and co-founder of an international collaborative for body awareness practices in design, had the concept for it.
(text: silviasfligiotti.it; link: www.silviasfligiotti.it)