18 October 2024 06:45:27
c/o careof

Organizzazione non profit per l'arte contemporanea

c/o careof

Mind The Map • Book Launch

29.05.2024, 18.30

Talk with
Loranza Pignatti and Niccolò Cuppini

Presented by
Valentina Parisi

"Mind the Map," an evening hosted by Careof, features the presentation of two volumes: "Planetary Metropolis 4.0" by Niccolò Cuppini, professor and researcher at SUPSI in Lugano, and "Radical Cartographies: Activism, Artistic Explorations, Geofiction" by Lorenza Pignatti, professor of Phenomenology of Contemporary Art at Naba in Milan and curator. Valentina Parisi, a writer and expert on Russian literature and culture, will talk about them.

Digital cartography has radically transformed the forms of visualization and mapping of territory. Given the tracking we are subjected to within an increasingly dense network of technologies, whose mechanisms are becoming more opaque, collectives, activists, and NGOs have redefined the notion of cartography, mapped, and made visible economic and social processes, political ecology, and gender issues.

"With a survey of seminal works, Lorenza Pignatti's 'Radical Cartographies: Activism, Artistic Explorations, Geofiction' delves into the relationship between art and cartography. Maps are used to challenge conventional wisdom, offer a less naive interpretation of modernist geography's codes, and disrupt the connection between territory, map, and scientific representation. Along with the Ippolita Group, Juan Guardiola, Anna Castelli, and Franco La Cecla, Pignatti has also advanced the transdisciplinary conversation between the humanistic and anthropological domains and geography."

What tactics can groups and artists devise to go beyond simply being observers of the creation and dissemination of geolocated information and images? In what way can they create new formal mappings for the creation of social and political instances?" - Lorenza Pignatti

"The geographies and chronographies investigated by Niccolò Cuppini's 'Planetary Metropolis 4.0' present a genealogy of contemporary urban dynamics and some of their future transformation trends. The author elaborates on the concept of 'planetary metropolis 4.0' to describe contemporary configurations, highlighting the planetary dimension of the processes, the importance of digitalization in defining them, and the political and conflictual dimensions that generate them. 'The geographies constructed in the pages of 'Planetary Metropolis 4.0' seek to escape the series of theoretical traps, empirical aporias, and epistemological counter-circuits that permeate urban studies.' - Niccolò Cuppini"

image credits: Clement Valla, "Postcards from Google Earth", 2010-ongoing.


Lorenza Pignatti è docente di Fenomenologia dell’arte contemporanea alla Naba di Milano. È autrice di "Mind the Map. Mappe, diagrammi e dispositivi cartografici" (Postmedia Books) e, con Franco Berardi Bifo, di "Adbusters. Ironia e distopia dell’attivismo visuale” (Meltemi). Ha curato le mostre "Dilettanti Geniali. Sperimentazioni artistiche degli anni Ottanta”; "Damage Control”, personale di Mika Taanila al Padiglione de l’Esprit Nouveau di Bologna; la retrospettiva di Pere Portabella per il Festival del Nuovo Cinema di Pesaro. Collabora con quotidiani e riviste internazionali come “il Manifesto”, “Frieze”, “ArtReview”, “e-flux journal”.


Niccolò Cuppini è docente e ricercatore presso SUPSI. Le sue ricerche si muovono attorno alle trasformazioni urbane, indagate dal punto di vista geografico, storico e politico. È membro del percorso di ricerca collettiva Into the Black Box e fa parte della redazione della rivista "Scienza&Politica”. Ha pubblicato, individualmente o in modo collettivo, i libri “Un mondo logistico” (2019), “Nel vortice del presente” (2020), “Capitalismo 4.0” (2021), “Mega Events, Urban Transformations and Social Citizenship” (2022), “Metropoli planetaria 4.0. βeta Testing” (2023).


Valentina Parisi è slavista e traduttrice dal russo, dal polacco e dal tedesco. Ha pubblicato "Il lettore eccedente” (Il Mulino, 2014), saggio sull’editoria clandestina sovietica, "Guida alla Mosca ribelle” (Voland, 2017) e "Una mappa per Kaliningrad. La città bifronte” (Exòrma, 2020). È ricercatrice di Letteratura e cultura russa presso l’Università di Macerata.