26 March 2025 08:58:17
c/o careof

Organizzazione non profit per l'arte contemporanea

c/o careof

This is a magazine. Episode 25

20.08.2008 | 20.00

Sabato 20 settembre Careof inaugura la nuova stagione espositiva con il progetto editoriale indipendente This is a magazine curato/creato dagli artisti Karen ann Donnachie (Australia/Inghilterra, 1970) e Andy Simionato (Australia/Italia, 1968)

Sound performance: ore 20.00 Francesco Spampinato x Sbudellatron, Unbounded // ore 20.30 My Cat is an Alien, Beyond yr shadow - I am / I am not (here?)

This is a magazine nasce a Milano nel 2002 e vive in diverse forme on line e cartacee. Costruito di volta in volta intorno ad un tema diverso con contributi eterogenei di artisti e non, è sempre declinato in modo differente e accompagnato da gif animate, performance in powerpoint, video, flipbook in flash, oggetti in quicktime, multipli d’artista e gadgets
This is (not) a magazine, come lo definiscono gli autori “is an experiment in post-communication. A magazine after magazines, this is a magazine about nothing”

La mostra a Careof - Episode 25: Activities in time and space - è concepita come nuovo numero della rivista. Donnachie-Simionato giocano con lo spazio - non più solo virtuale del web ma anche fisico della galleria come con una scatola magica, dalla quale fanno apparire video, stikers, poster, immagini proiettate, installazioni e performance. Episode 25 esplora gli aspetti più “spirituali” della tecnologia e di internet attraverso i blog del surfclub Loshadka, l’attività sociale di aids-3d, quella poetica di Nikola Tosic, l’approccio da hacker di Shane Hope o quello a metà fra la street art e la magia tradizionale del 18° secolo di Center for Tactical Magic. Yoshi Sodeoka interviene sulle sonorità dei gruppi musicali più estremi, Grant Willing si appropria di immagini della scienza mentre Harm van den Dorpel coinvolge il pubblico proiettandone l’immagine attraverso un grande diamante specchio. Oliver Laric e Damon Zucconi propongono un lavoro formale di sovvertimento dei codici.
Due le performance per la serata inaugurale: quella di My cat is an alien (MCIAA) è incentrata sull'incontro/scontro tra due dimensioni parallele, mentre Francesco Spampinato in collaborazione con il duo Sbudellatron propone l’entrata in un mondo altro fornendo al pubblico la materializzazione di un canale di conduzione verso una nuova realtà spazio-temporale
Su www.thisisamagazine.com o www.thisisnotamagazine.com in questa occasione le uniche informazioni reperibili saranno una mappa di google con l’indirizzo dello spazio espositivo e una data
Donnachie/Simionato sono anche autori di una serie di libri che raccolgono esperienze artistiche in internet; sono stati insigniti di numerosi premi e le loro opere sono esposte in musei e gallerie internazionali

  Mostre/Conferenze/Workshops: _Netmage (A silent morality film in four acts_) – Bologna, 2006 _Colophon 2007_ – Luxembourg, 2007 www.colohon2007.com _Senko Gallery_ (Viewing room)– Viborg, 2006 www.senko.dk _Senko Gallery_ (Reading room) – Viborg, 2005 www.senko.dk _ARCO Art Experts Forum_ – Guest Speakers, 2005 NEXTFESTIVAL Video and Film – video-art workshop, Vilnius, 2005 IUAV University of Visual Arts – Guest speakers, Venezia, 2004 e 2005 Positionen Architektur – workshop, University of Liechtenstein, 2005 Semi-Permanent 04 Design Conference – Guest Speakers, Sydney, 2004 Academy of Fine Arts – Guest Speakers, Torino, 2004 CMYK Magazine Festival – Guest Speakers, Barcelona, 2004 AVECOM REAL New-media Festival – Arnhem, 2004 Stuttgarter Filmwinter Film and Media Festival – Stuttgart, 2003 Museum of Modern Art – Arnhem, 2002 www.mmkarnhem.nl

GOLD INK AWARD – Best Hardcover Book Worldwide, New York, 2007
PRINT Magazine – Best of European Design, New York, 2005 www.printmag.com
PRINT Magazine – Best of European Design, New York, 2004 www.printmag.com
First Public Prize for New Media – Stuttgarter Filmwinter 2003  www.filmwinter.de



    aids-3d are Daniel Keller and Nik Kosmas, they live and work in Berlin, Germany

Center for Tactical Magic

What is the Center for Tactical Magic? Activists?  Occultists? Conjurors? Tricksters? Contemporary artists? Martial artists? Con-artists?  “Most of the time we feel that these debates are more productive for everyone when we stay out of them and let folks figure things out on their own.”
The Center for Tactical Magic's curse sticker, distributed during the exhibition, is somewhere in between modern street graffiti and much older forms of magical resistance, such as the placing of curses on the property of feudal lords.

Damon Zucconi

Conversation between a fallen angel (Damiel) and a passer-by in Wings of Desire:
Is this red?
And the pipes?
They're yellow.
'And him there?' [pointing at some painted figures on the Berlin Wall]
He's grey-blue.
He's orange...ochre.
Orange or ochre?
Red...Yellow...And him?
He's green.
And the bit above the eyes?
That's blue.

Damon Zucconi is an artist living and working in New York City

Grant Willing

Grant Willing is an artist and photographer based in New York City

Harm van den Dorpel

Harm van den Dorpel is an artist exploring the spiritual potential of mediated experiences. In 2008 he started the Internet gallery www.ClubInternet.org showcasing the current affairs in web related art.

His Diamondsareforever work is in the collection of Miltos Manetas. The seductive power of seeing ourselves mirrored in the diamond masks it's hidden ability to watch, over the course of the exhibition the diamond will capture images from all the visitors to the gallery space. These images will be published in the next This is a magazine compendium.



Loshadka is alien, anarchy, ass, bike, birthday cake, blogroll, cat, circle, dead chicken, dead kennedys, deathstar, diving, doom, drops, ducky, egg, flag, funnel, green tree, hi, horse, ipod, jackass, kermit, keyboard, la muerte, letter, meat, medal, paddle, paint can, picture frame, pig head, punk as fuck, rabbit, shit balls, socks, square, stabbed in the face, supercomputer, sword in the stone, techno, thumbs down, thumbs up, triangle, triforce, tv, vhs, violin, weed, wizard, y2k, youtube @loshadka.org.

Nikola Tosic

Nikola Tosic is an anarcho-individualist, artist, part of neen (whatever that means), professional ironman triathlete.

Oliver Laric

Oliver Laric is an artist living in Munich, Tokyo and Paris.
Two projects are presented in this edition; in the first Laric interviews Andy Warhol over an internet chat with a psychic medium.
For the second, more recent work Laric hired various online graphic services to mask out (remove) the background from the same photograph of Jennifer Lopez, resulting in a number of almost identical images with the exception of variations in Jennifer Lopez' hair.

Shane Hope

Wehn not nought-unicyclin’ tuh keep all balanced n’ stuff, Hope may be transubstrationally parsed in Newer York gittin’ smart-faced, spinfoamation tech wupportin’ envirornamentally chalengd infomo’phic biorouters whilst lab-lobbyin’ fir thanatophiliacamouflagedecoy-decay writ rites n’ crypto-junkDNAnarch-key freeconomical policies plus post-singuluarity certifried tuh windup the overclockin’. Built in 2072, ve’s been uh member o’ the Misaligmnent-Matter Moguls fir the Managerrymanderment o’ Malfoamation Manufacturin’ n’ Anti-Monay Market Manipunation since 1000.0001 n’ dumbfounded the Dept. o’ Data-Debased Dark Matter Mods fir a Light-Livin’-Looksee Lab-Launched Lifestlyes Laber Union in 2045ingularity. He currenly intuh collablobject-oriented atomiclown nose jugglin’ n’ runs, er rather ist runnin’ on, uh Thanato.Tek Death Cube, whihc it enables particulate public domain piggy-backin’ o’ speculativernacular silicogenomic nooledge ontuh the wreckonomiclot-got-rot-a-lot-bots o’ evoluture futures.

Yoshi Sodeoka

Yoshi Sodeoka is a multidisciplinary artist and musician based in New York City

My Cat is an Alien

My cat is an Alien are leaders in the field of abstract drones and experimental music. Vittore Baroni described the two brothers' music as “Audio sculptures floating on a tension cable that never looses its way or grows fainter from the first instant to the last. The Beauty of noise in a sum of almost casual gestures.”

Francesco Spampinato X Sbudellatron

Unbounded è un progetto performativo che vede per la prima volta la collaborazione tra Francesco Spampinato e il gruppo artrock degli Sbudellatron. Sul palco si esibirà uno dei due membri del gruppo con un laptop mentre l’altro interverrà a distanza da Londra con una chitarra attraverso un collegamento online. Unbounded vuole essere una ricerca sul significato di lontananza e separazione attraverso la messa in scena, all’interno di una gabbia, di un performance musicale a distanza. Unbounded funziona come una sovrastruttura cerebrale, una forma di anti-palcoscenico per un’allucinogena esperienza sinestetica. Il suono di natura post-nucleare degli Sbudellatron si fonda con l’immaginario fantascientifico e psichedelico di Francesco Spampinato. Gli hula-hoop prefigurano l’entrata in un mondo altro da quello in cui si svolge l’evento fornendo al pubblico la materializzazione di un canale di conduzione verso una condizione spazio-temporale in cui le coordinate di cui siamo a conoscenza vengono a crollare