05 February 2025 20:06:02
c/o careof

Organizzazione non profit per l'arte contemporanea

c/o careof

ArteVisione 2020

Lamentably, talking about Artevisione 2020 cannot disregard the mentioning of the Covid-19 pandemic which influenced our lives and had great impact also on the organization, and managing of the project.

Working on the call for entries, we didn’t know yet about the measures for the pandemic containment, the limitations for meetings or the impact on the movement of people.

As a precaution, we decided to schedule a completely digital edition of ArteVisione LAB. This enabled us to extend the number of participants at the workshop – we expected seven people, but we selected ten – and welcome artists non residing in Italy, who could candidate and follow the workshop week without any conditioning.

The De Serio brothers were invited to follow ArteVisione LAB for two days with the participants. After the introduction to their experience, they focused on the analysis of their project proposals through direct questions, permitting to bring the projects forward so that they could be elaborated in detail before the final presentation.

The finalists of ArteVisione 2020 are: Riccardo Badano, Hanna Rullmann, Fabrizio Bellomo, Fatima Bianchi, Lorenzo Casali, Giovanni Giaretta, Gli Impresari, Kinonauts, Serena Porrati, Silvia Rossi, Alessandro Sambini, Elisa Strinna. 

ArteVisione 2020 awards Fatima Bianchi with “Mater Frioul” because “she shows her capacity to readapt the classic in a contemporary and sophisticated style, where music and theatre become instruments for a visionary exploration, rooted in Mediterranean culture.”

Furthermore, thanks to the high quality of the presented projects, Sky Arte engages in the acquisition and transmission on its channels of the works “Upstream the Border” by Riccardo Badano and Hanna Rullmann, and “Birds of Passage” by Silvia Rossi.

The awarded project “Mater Friuol” is a work in progress, that’s why we can say few things about it. The artist is still focusing on the script and the setting of characters. 

Fatima Bianchi’s film develops around two elements of her biography: living in Marseille, opposite of the cited Frioul islands, and being a mother, a condition that completes the title of the project. The artist goes over her life again starting from a personal reflection on maternity, women’s role, sense of guilt and responsibility, social conditioning, and the idea of being politically correct. 


Finalist artists: Riccardo Badano, Hanna Rullmann, Fabrizio Bellomo, Fatima Bianchi, Lorenzo Casali, Giovanni Giaretta, Gli Impresari, Kinonauts, Serena Porrati, Silvia Rossi, Alessandro Sambini, Elisa Strinna.
Winning artist: Fatima Bianchi
Project Manager: Marta BIanchi, Careof
Artistic Director: Martina Angelotti, Careof
Fundraising and Development: Lia Manzella Careof
Co.ordinator: Marta Cereda, Careof
Media Partner: Sky Arte HD
Academies Partner: cfp Bauer, NABA

ArteVisione LAB Professors: Marco Alessi, Lucia Apsesi, Jessica Bianchera, Alessandra Donati, Marta Ferretti, Fiammetta Griccioli, Iolanda Ratti, Eva Sangiorgi, Dino Vannini
Selection Commettee: Andrea Bellini, Rebecca de Pas, Dino Vannini


Three women are exiled on the Frioul islands, offshore from Marseille, being excluded from a patriarchal society. Despite loving their children, they are guilty of regretting being mothers. The island is desert and harsh, marked by war. Women are the only inhabitants. They are obliged to repeat the same actions everyday: washing huge and disproportionate sheets in the sea, distilling water, and making salt evaporate in plastic barrels, walking on the island while collecting rubbles (rags and plastic pieces) in the derelict buildings. Doing everything silently. Those actions are the same of a devoted mother, the role they repudiated. At the same time, the actresses embody the alter ego of their characters in a recording studio, expressing their thoughts with off-screen voices, and creating an alternative reality opposed to the one on the island. The sound embraces the film.
The “matres frioul” are women living on the fringe of civilization and rejected by their own community. They are exiled because of being unworthy, negligent, and asexual but still in charge of their own life: they know things others don’t, they do things others don’t, overcoming the world obstacles. Maybe they don’t find death but rather power.
“Mater Friuol” is an artist film, a fictional documentary based on true events.