27 July 2024 16:25:03
c/o careof

Organizzazione non profit per l'arte contemporanea

c/o careof

ArteVisione 2017

Memory and identity - continues to grow: to the institutional partnership with the Museo del Novecento is added the collaboration with MADRE - Museo d'arte contemporanea Donnaregina Naples, Mart - Museo di arte moderna e Artevisione (2017) – whose theme is Memory and Identity – keeps growing: in addition to the institutional partnership with Museo del Novecento, it collaborates with MADRE Museum – Museo d’arte contemporanea Donnaregina in Naples, Mart Museum – Museo di arte moderna e contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, MAXXI – Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo in Rome, Museo d’arte contemporanea di Villa Croce in Genoa. The goal is promoting the award, as well as the winner’s and 10 finalists’ work.

The role of ArteVisione LAB keeps strengthening too: it’s a place dedicated to the examination of the artistic poetics and the review of the projects made by the 10 finalists. Professionals from the field give their support, as well as the world-famous artist Omer Fast as visiting professor.

The finalists of ArteVisione 2017 are: Sandro Bozzolo, Daniele Costa, Lucia Cristiani, Alessandro Di Pietro, Mati Jhurry, Martina Melilli, Giacomo Raffaelli, Jacopo Rinaldi, Caterina Viganò, Zamenhof (Francesco Sileo and Giulia Trincardi).

In addition to the first production prize and 4 months' residency at Careof in Milan, the second and third place winners are awarded two development grants consisting of a workshop at SAE Institute or 3 months' residency at Careof.

After examining the 10 finalists’ propositions, the jury unanimously decides to award the prize to the project “Mum, I’m sorry” by Martina Melilli, artist and filmmaker from Veneto. The judges recognise “the intensity and the urgency broaching the controversial subject of the migrants in the Mediterranean Sea. “Mum, I’m sorry” represents an attempt to restore an identity and to redefine cultural and geographical distances, through a process of research and a close, disenchanted gaze, capable of penetrating the texture of objects that belonged to nameless bodies”.

The jury underlines the originality of the projects “Confabulazione” by Caterina Viganò (Milan, 1988) and “Pauline” by Giacomo Raffaelli (Rovereto, 1988). They are both able to analyse the complexity of the human mind, using different levels and languages but examining the fascinating obsession about the conservation of the experience.


Finalist artists: Sandro Bozzolo, Daniele Costa, Lucia Cristiani, Alessandro Di Pietro, Mati Jhurry, Martina Melilli, Giacomo Raffaelli, Jacopo Rinaldi, Caterina Viganò, Zamenhof (Francesco Sileo and Giulia Trincardi)
Winning artist: Martina Melilli
Curated by: Chiara Agnello, Careof
Visiting professor: Omer Fast
Project managers: Marta Bianchi Careof, Marzia Kronauer, Marzia Kronauer, Sky Academy and Roberto Pisoni, Sky Arte HD director
Coordination: Dino Vannini, Erika Minoia, Gaia Pasetto Sky Arte HD
Corporate Relations Manager: Rossella Terzolo, Careof

ArteVisione LAB: workshop

The role of ArteVisione LAB is consolidated like a space in which study the poetics and review the projects of the ten finalists, supported by professionals and by the internationally renowned artist Omer Fast in the role of visiting professor. At the first production prize of € 12.000 and 4 months of residence at Careof in Milan, two development grants are added for the second and third place, consisting in a workshop at the SAE Institute or a 3 month of residence at Careof.

The workshop, organized from January 16 to 24, 2017, was divided into the following modules:

  • Introduction and presentation of the project and the 10 finalists
  • Deepening of the theme of the announcement, analysis of the working method and the poetics of the visiting professor Omer Fast and open discussion on the projects presented by the finalists
  • Introduction to the role of cinematographer - Edoardo Bolli
  • Sound techniques - Mirco Mencacci
  • The editing and television formats - Maurizio Grillo
  • Production, budget management and distribution - Davide Ferazza
  • Legal and contractual aspects of the production and sale of works of art with Alessandra Donati
  • Preservation of video works with Iolanda Ratti
  • Presentation of the 10 projects to the jury

Visiting Professor: Omer Fast

Omer Fast was born in Jerusalem in 1972 and grew up between Israel and New York. He received a BFA from Tufts University and from the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston in 1995, and also an MFA from Hunter College in New York City in 2000. His work is included in the permanent collections of many institutions, including the Whitney Museum of American Art; Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum; the Metropolitan Musuem of American Art in New York; The Los Angeles County Museum of Art; Tate Modern in London and Center Georges Pompidou in Paris.

Selection committee

Chiara Agnello - Careof Artistic Director
Denis Isaia - Curator Mart - Museum of modern and contemporary art of Trento and Rovereto
Roberta Lissidini - Sky CSR
Paolo Moretti - Director of the International Film Festival of La Roche-sur-Yon et du Cinéma Le Concorde, Member of the FIDMarseille Selection Committee and Program Member Visions du Réel
Roberto Pisoni- Sky Art HD Director
Iolanda Ratti- Conservator at Museo del Novecento, Milan


“Mum I’m sorry” is a film originated from the dialogue with migrants – who survived a long journey – and Cristina Cattaneo, police doctor and forensic anthropologist. The project is a close gaze on details and stories of affections that belonged to bodies that are now lifeless. Photos, pieces of paper with phone numbers written on them – reminding about experiences and suggesting hope for new prospects – are the objects considered essential, as a “home” carried in a journey of no return.

Technical data sheet
Year: [2017] 2018
Running time: 18'
Technical specifications: ProRes HD 1920 x 1080 points, stereo, 48kHz
An idea of: Martina Melilli and Lidia Savioli
Production: Marta Bianchi (Careof)
Photography: Stefania Bona
Other operators: Valeria Cozzarini, Atej Tutta
Editing: Irene Dionisio
Sync sound and sound design: Matteo Valeri
Colour correction and titles: Emanuele Segre